Thursday, September 27, 2012

The push to carry out hydro-fracturing operations ("fracking") is widespread and growing in our country as well as abroad, and it is worrying. Despite industry's claims that they are using safe procedures and that there are no harmful side effects from drilling deep into subterranean rocky surfaces to extract natural gas and oil, the facts are that there are numerous, very toxic side products that result from the use of toxic chemicals in the extraction process. Because of the depths accessed in hydro-fracturing, much of these toxic chemicals are left behind in the depths and the opportunity for these chemicals to migrate into underground water supplies is considerable. In fact, this has already happened to water supplies of residents in various states, and just recently the EPA has made a determination of "likely" that hydro-fracturing related contamination of underground water deposits has occurred in the state of Washington. In addition to the use of toxic chemicals, huge amounts of valuable water is used in the fracturing process.

It is important that citizens decide what they think about this important issue and take a subsequent stand. If you are for reasonable and needed regulation of fracturing, which currently is not regulated at all, then please call your congressperson and request that such regulation and control be put into law. Thanks!

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