Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fish-eating coal power plants

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Many of us may not be aware of it, perhaps many are, but our nation's power plants, pretty much all fed by coal, are slicing and dicing millions of the fish that live in the streams, rivers, and lakes upon which the power plants are situated. Power plants do this unfortunate, brutal, and, now unnecessary, act by drawing in millions of gallons of water per day to cool their power equipment inside their plants. They then shoot out the water back to where it came from but now, the water is warmed considerably and is not conducive at all to survival of the remaining fish and plants in the rivers, streams, and lakes. And, as noted already, the fish that are drawn in are chopped up into countless bits. Besides killing the fish, this process also endangers all the marine life, insects, plants, and animals, that depend on these fish for their nutrition and survival, as well do the fishermen and sportsmen who fish from these waters.
There is now a new technology that can be installed by the power companies that can reduce the intake of water for cooling purposes by some 97% percent or so. But, as usual, the power companies don't want to pay for this new technology, and they are pressing the EPA very hard to exempt them from having to adopt newer, stringent standards regulating the use of our nation's waters for industrial cooling purposes. It seems that industry in America has the opinion that they have the exclusive right to use and exploit our nation's resources in the same, old ways that they have been doing it for decades, and centuries, really. But the rest of us have to change, don't we? So why shouldn't they as well?
Above this article, there are two links to an informative and colorful animation that depicts the practice of power plants drawing in huge amounts of water, killing millions of fish, and also verbalizes these companies' selfish attitude and stubborn refusal to change their position on this matter. Please take a look at this great animation and then sign the petition that's on the website of the Sierra Club urging the EPA to hold these selfish and greedy power plants to the new proposed standards. Come on, are you really fine with having Charlie the tunafish and all his relatives and friends sucked into massive turbine engines that cut them all up into microscopic pieces??


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